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Order KivaQ W as a consulting assignment.

mandatory fields

Information of the company / organization

Contact information

Information of the survey


additional questions


Price is determined by number of respondents and additional questions.
Classify respondents by gender?
The personnel can be divided into groups by gender and/or age. Please notice that if the respondents get the impression that individual responses can be tracked, then usually the response rate will decrease. Therefore, smaller groups than 20 individuals are not recommended.

Classify respondents by age?
Use unique links to respondents?
The Unique Respondents -feature allows you to ensure that every respondent answers the survey just once.

This is done by sending each respondent an unique link that only can be used once.For that to be possible the orderer of the survey must supply the email addresses of the respondents.

Anonymity is preserved as the part of the system that knows the identities of the respondents is isolated from the rest of the system using a separate database and other system-level protections. The actual proof of answer is an anonymized token exchanged between the two parts of the system during the answering process.

User-defined respondent groups?
The personnel in a bigger organization can be divided into groups.

For example, one criteria can be personnel group: Blue collar worker, White collar worker, Management. Another criteria can be department: Production, Maintenance, Administration. A third criteria can be country: USA, Germany, France, Sweden, Finland, Estonia, Denmark, Norway, Belgium, The Netherlands, Spain, Italy, Austria, Japan, Australia.

Remember that the response rate will decrease and the response will be less honest if the criteria are too specified and the subgroups become too small influencing the anonymity.
Use eNPS as one additional question
eNPS stands for Employee Net Promotor Score and measures how likely it is that the personnel will recommend their employer to their friends and acquaintances. eNPS is treated as an additional question and can be used as a parameter when the questionnaire is being analysed.

Use customer logo
Allow KivaQ Oy Ab to add the answers of this survey anonymously to the KivaQ reference material. Accepting this gives you access to the complete reference material.
As reference there is a database with tens of thousands of responses. The KivaQ W reference material includes 7 standard questions. There are also some references for different branches. Allowing KivaQ Oy Ab to add the answers of this survey anonymously to the KivaQ reference material, gives you access to the complete reference material.